The longest serving President of Zimbabwe, Robert Gabriel Mugabe is reportedly dead. Last night, it appeared that the Zimbabwean Godfather, Robert Gabriel Mugabe died after all frantic efforts to wake him up proved futile. An autopsy will fully confirm the cause of death, but the best guess at the moment is a massive prostate cancer which he had been battling for a while now. State officials have not yet released the name of his immediate heir but from the look of things, his wife could probably assume his position temporary before proper arrangements are made. He left behind four children, namely; Bona Mugabe, Robert Peter Mugabe Jr., Chatunga Bellarmine Mugabe, Michael Nhamodzenyika Mugabe, and surviving spouse, Grace Mugabe. Robert Gabriel Mugabe born 21 February 1924 was the longest serving President of Zimbabwe, serving since 22 December 1987. As one of the leaders of the rebel groups in opposition to white minority rule, he was elected Prime...