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Web secret revealed!

Download a free copy of this book today and avoid clumsy mistakes in choosing a web host for your business.

As the CEO of BORN TO REIGN GROUP with 60% of our investments in the internet and as a seasoned blogger, I wrote this eBook to denounce certain unethical activities in the web hosting industry and to help those who are just stepping out into the web building adventure to tread cautiously. 

You agree with me that most online businesses are not always what they claim to be…

This is exactly true with almost all the web hosting services. Most online users, who step into web hosting without the right information, end up learning the wrong way. This eBook is written to help you avoid falling into some of the dirty tricks played by web hosting companies.

But if you’ve already been out there, then, you must have had your own fill of disappointment, delays, technical malfunctions, blacklisting, falsified services, spam, hacking and what have you?

Most hosting service providers tend to lull internet newbies or ‘dummies’, that is to say those who are new in the web hosting business into signing up with them through enticing promises that never exist. They will raise your hopes with all kinds of beautiful offers to get your money only to leave you at the middle of the sea, probably when you have gone too far with them and can’t turn back. Some of them run sophisticated ads and promotional programs that would seduce any newbie into falling into their fantasized services.

Note that I’m talking about professionals here and not amateurs in the fraud machinery or some naught case out there. I’m talking of carefully organized companies that have been out there for so long or may just be stepping out and are ready to do anything to keep up with the fierce competition. Understand that some of these companies put up huge investments and so will do anything to stay in business. The mad tussle for customers is ferocious.

Some of my co-bloggers, partners, friends, readers and clients have often called or sent us emails to either complain or request help or advice regarding the problems they encounter with their hosting service provider. This may be your ordeal right now. That’s why I thought this eBook will help many avoid the empty but sweet talk of these service providers that only leads their customers into regrets and loss after loss.

Over the years, I have equally had very grumpy experiences with some of the so-called web hosting service providers. As a blogger and as the CEO of BORN TO REIGN GROUP, I have had several losses and setbacks in some of my investments as a result of the poor and often times spammy services of hosting service providers. We have had to discontinue payments to certain web hosting service providers, delete certain sites and start from scratch, migrate from one service provider to another.

There is no decision as serious as choosing the right web hosting service provider when it comes to running your blog, online business or organization online. I have used web hosting service providers like Wix, Yolasite, Simplesite, Host Gator, Godaddy, Namecheap and OrangeWebsite and would share some of the eye-opening experiences I had with them here.

I’ll show you the top 7 dirty truths you must know about web hosting service providers alongside proposed solutions and some exceptional cases. I’ll provide truly honest, verifiable and factual information without advertising any service provider or bad-mouthing any. I’ll simply present the bitter truth the way it is in order to help many victims out there!
 Kum Eric Tso


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